‘For unto whom much is given, of him shall much be required.’
Luke 12:48b
Word2Act believes we are called to address the underlying causes of poverty and therefore exists to improve the lives of the needy by wisely stewarding the generosity of the prospered. Through its Dutch parent-organization Woord en Daad, Word2Act teams with on-the-ground partners in impoverished countries to carry out our mission: connecting people worldwide in their fight against poverty from a Christian perspective.

Latin America
Please contact for specifics about these projects
Please contact for specifics about these projects
Southeast Asia
Please contact for specifics about these projects
Our approach
Word2Act carries out her mission through projects of five areas of concentration: water, schooling, agronomics, jobs, and emergency relief. Woord en Daad builds strategic partnerships with international and local experts, leveraging each partner’s own expertise to its full potential.
Meet our team
In 2016, in an effort to expand her global outreach and develop relationships with American donors, Woord en Daad founded Word2Act, a US-based, 501(c)(3) certified, charity. We’re pleased to introduce you to our team.

Dick den Hertog
The Netherlands

Rob Verheulen
Grand Rapids MI

Kyle Royer
Washinton DC

Rina Molenaar
The Netherlands

Sander Verduin

We’d love to get in touch with you. Please contact us at:
+1 616 446 6050
PO Box 6246, Grand Rapids, MI 49506