
‘And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink.’ Genesis 21:19

Imagine your life without access to safe water: water to drink, to clean, to grow food, and to feed your children. It’s inconceivable, but for forty percent of Africa it’s reality. Forty percent of African mothers can’t provide clean water for their children; many mothers in Asia face similar difficulties. In Bangladesh, Tulshi’s little girl was sick with diarrhea and she couldn’t identify the cause until a partner from Word2Act visited her. He explained that my daughter’s diarrhea would pass if we were to drink clean water from now on! It was not possible to drink from a well in our neighborhood because of the salt and arsenic in the ground but the man told us about anotherpossibility: rainwater collection. We received a small loan to purchase the system which was installed three months ago. We now have so much reason to be grateful, because no one has been ill in the last three months.

Families like Tulshi’s get access to healthful and clear water. With training and instruction, local communities learn how to use and maintain water systems and thus have access to a healthy life. Most importantly, these innovative systems charge a small fee for usage, thus cultivating a sense of responsibility and ownership while insuring long-term sustainability.

Making water accessible for everybody. Water is life.

2018: 17.321 people reached with education about water and sanitation